
Comprehensive AC Service Checklist: Ensuring Optimal Performance and Efficiency


So, during the hotter months of the year, it is essential that your air conditioning system is in its best shape to keep your indoors relaxed and comfortable. Merit Tech technicians also use a checklist to ensure your AC system gets the best services.

As mentioned on our services page, during an ac maintenance services dubai, our technicians carry out the following tests:

Outdoor Unit Inspection (Up to 30% of Total Service Time)

  • Filter Cleaning/Replacement: One disadvantage of a dirty filter that hardly anybody knows is that it increases energy usage and blocks airflow. Our technicians examine, wash, or replenish them if worn out.
  • Coil Cleaning: The build-up of dirt on coils will help reduce the system’s efficiency. A situation is made sure that the coil is adequately cleaned from the debris and dirt.
  • Fan Motor Condition: A faulty fan motor will, in turn, cause poor air circulation, which will increase energy consumption. Our technicians examine and, where necessary, replace the fan motors.
  • Compressor Condition: The compressor is the main component in your AC system. We check for scratches, periodic leakages, or other damage.
  • Refrigerant Leaks: Leaks in the system can lead to system failure and impugn the environment. The technicians work to identify and fix all these types of leakage expeditiously.
  • Electrical Connections: Whenever the contacts are loose or of poor construction, it is expected to have cases of dangerous situations getting into the system and system failure. We check and, if necessary, torque the connections.
  • Thermostat Calibration: Mechanical and electrical faults: improperly calibrated thermostat often leads to system inefficiency. Our technicians also check that the machines are aligned and calibrated by setting up the thermostats properly.

Indoor Unit Inspection (Up to 25% of Total Service Time)

  • Air Filter Cleaning/Replacement: A clogged air filter can contaminate indoor air and cause the system’s efficiency to dip. They are responsible for checking, cleaning, or changing filters if needed.
  • Coil Cleaning: Dirty coils decrease the system’s efficiency and indoor air quality. We guarantee that no matter the size of the coil, it is free from debris and dirt.
  • Fan Motor Condition: A major drawback of a faulty fan motor is that the airflow is reduced, thus causing very high energy costs. Technicians visually check and, where necessary, replace the motors in the fans.
  • Drainage System Check: Absorption of that water by furnishing and other household items means clogged drainages result in water damage and high indoor humidity. As required, we examine the drains and also scour them.
  • Electrical Connections: Rough or worn contacts may cause risks such as safety issues and failure to execute a particular system. We knock, check, and reinforce connections where necessary.
  • Thermostat Calibration: A thermostat with poorly set values will cause a system to run inefficiently. Our technicians are responsible for ensuring the thermostats are set right and well-tuned.

Refrigerant System Checks (Up to 20% of Total Service Time)

  • Refrigerant Level Check: A low refrigerant level can have negative consequences, such as reduced system efficiency and even system detriment. Our technicians perform a visual check-up and add or recharge the refrigerant as needed.
  • Refrigerant Leak Detection: Damage to system components and environmental pollution arises from leakage of refrigerants. As for the leaks, our technicians are swift to identify them, and we fix them immediately.
  • Pressure Test: Our technicians conduct pressure tests to check the proper working of the refrigerant system.

Electrical System Checks (Up to 15% of Total Service Time)

  • Voltage and Current Checks: Our technicians measure the various voltages and currents in circulation to guarantee they are within the manufacturing standard.
  • Circuit Breaker and Fuse Checks: Faulty circuit breakers or fuse switches may indicate electrical problems. Competent technicians inspect and replace them as and when necessary.
  • Wiring and Connections Checks: Loose or corroded connections can cause a safety concern or system failure in the operation of a large structure. We monitor, check, and maintain the connections as necessary.

Additional Checks (Up to 10% of Total Service Time)

  • AC System Performance Test: IT specialists ensure that the structure performs adequately and is functional.
  • Temperature Check: Temperature is measured to ensure the levels are within the required standard.
  • Humidity Check: The humidity must also be inspected to determine whether it’s as required by our technicians.
  • Air Quality Check: We also take our time to inspect the indoor air so it bears the right quality of healthy air.
  • System Cleaning and Sanitizing: They also clean and sanitise the system to counter mild growth and preserve IAQ.

Adhering to this detailed checklist ensures that our technicians at Merit Tech provide the best service for your AC system, ensuring ideal efficiency and climate control inside your space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should a homeowner take their AC system for servicing?

A: You service your AC system once a year, if not twice, with one being before the onset of summer.

Q: Knowing why AC maintenance is essential and the long-term perks of getting the system checked is important.

A: Air conditioning maintenance dubai can enhance the system’s efficiency, reduce bills, prolong the system’s lifespan, and eliminate untimely system failure.

Q: What should I expect from an AC maintenance service in Dubai?

A: Our company’s technicians can complete an approved and accredited checklist that checks and tests your system’s functionality.

Q: How many hours does the average AC service take?

A: Service time depends on the type of system, but if it is detected, it usually takes about 1-2 hours.

Q: Can I do Air conditioning maintenance dubai?

A: It is suggested to consult with a professional technician on performing detailed maintenance because although some filter cleaning can be done individually, an experienced technician should do the work to avoid mishaps.

Q: I may have an old or less efficient AC system.

A: Your system may require repairs, replacement, or upgrading. We can schedule a time for our technicians to evaluate it and recommend the necessary actions.

Q: What specific services do you provide, for instance, in an emergency, such as an AC system breakdown?

A: Our team is present for any emergency repairs, and we aim to get your unit operational again as soon as possible.